Esoteric Acupuncture
I started studying Eastern Medicine 18 years ago and have been treating patients for 14 years. With each passing year and each course I take, my understanding of this medicine and people expands. But nothing I have ever learned, has made me more excited than Esoteric Acupuncture.

Diving into Esoteric Acupuncture

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." —Nikola Tesla
This statement so acutely sums up why Megan is super excited to be offering Esoteric Acupuncture. It is such a beautiful way of incorporating energy work and frequencies into Acupuncture sessions.
Dr Mikio Sankey who created this system of acupuncture, says “The power of acupuncture is to harmonize and strengthen the body systems before a disease stage, but the power of Esoteric Acupuncture is to work with expanding consciousness and strengthen the root which is our Higher, Inner Spiritual Heart Center”
In Esoteric acupuncture we place needles in sacred geometry patterns which bring in healing frequencies. These frequencies call upon your body's quantum level knowledge to strengthen and raise your heart center vibrations, allowing you to connect the frequency of your energy fields of consciousness, where infinite possibilities await.
Everything is made up of energy and the energy can move in waves. The waves can also be interpreted as frequencies that become intricate designs, forming sacred geometry.
There are amazing studies called cymatics where sand is placed on a flat plate and then a frequency (measured in hertz) is run to the plate. The sand then creates perfect geometric shapes, different for each frequency. It is amazing to watch sound create a change in the physical.
The same can be said for our words. Dr Emoto conducted eye-opening studies in which words (which carry frequency and intention as well) were spoken to or taped to vials of water. And different crystalline shapes again evolved in the water molecules.
In Esoteric Acupuncture, we are kindof doing the reverse. We use the sacred geometry shapes to call in those healing frequencies. Then our bodies come into alignment with those frequencies and allow for a kindof reprograming at an energetic level.